
The Mission

"The Cape Cod Groundwater Guardian Team's mission is to educate students, teachers, and the general public about Cape Cod's groundwater resources and how to protect them."

The Team

Kalliope Egloff

Kalliope Egloff

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Brian Baumgaertel

Brian Baumgaertel

Aliquam eu ante massa. Morbi tempor facilisis consectetur. Morbi lectus neque, blandit ut quam iaculis, laoreet mattis dolor. Phasellus lobortis sem sed justo convallis accumsan. Suspendisse euismod fringilla finibus. Quisque porta tellus eu arcu suscipit, ac tristique ex fermentum.

Emily Michele Olmsted

Emily Michele Olmsted

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4th Team Member

4th Team Member

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Some More Stuff

Cape Cod is the only Groundwater Guardian community in Massachusetts. The team is part of the national Groundwater Guardian Program which supports, recognizes, and connects communities protecting their groundwater and is sponsored by the Groundwater Foundation in Lincoln, Nebraska.

The Cape Cod team was first designated in 1995 and has been re-designated every year since then. Results-oriented activities about groundwater are conducted each year. Examples of current activities include a water conservation program for

Seasonal businesses (PROJECT TOUR), a groundwater education program for school age children (WET FEST), and a public information program about storm water (PROJECT STORM)

Team Members - Groundwater Guardian teams are required to include members from a variety of disciplines. The Cape Cod team members bring program strengths and expertise from their work in government, education, water supply, business, agriculture and citizen advocacy. SEE TEAM MEMBERS