Clean Water for our Cape Cod Community
We are all responsible.
Our Mission
To raise awareness of our unconfined, sole-source aquifer and Cape Cod's community connection through water.
Who We Are
We are a collaboration of Cape Cod professionals working to engage residents, visitors, and fans of Cape Cod in making clean water available for everyone.
Who We Are
We are a collaboration of Cape Cod professionals working to engage residents, visitors, and fans of Cape Cod in making clean water available for everyone.
Our Team

Kalliope is the Hazardous Materials Environmental Specialist at Barnstable County’s Cape Cod Cooperative Extension. Her program is Water Quality and Hazardous Materials and she manages the Barnstable County Hazardous Materials Program. The mission is to protect Cape Cod’s unique drinking water source, a largely unconfined, sole-source aquifer. She does that by creating and managing programs that divert hazardous waste and contaminants of concern from the waste stream (or dumping) to appropriate and legal disposal methods and working to educate Cape Codders of all ages on the value of our aquifer. Kalliope has a B.A. in Human Development from Lesley University and an M.S. in Organizational Leadership from The Johns Hopkins University. She serves on the Cape Cod Hoarding Task Force and the Provincetown Board of Health. Kalliope lives in Provincetown where she has a 2-acre sea farm, an apiary, and assorted animals.

Brian is a Senior Environmental Specialist/Public Health Sanitarian with the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment, is Director of the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center, and is a member of the Mashpee Board of Health. He has a B.A. in Physics from Hartwick College, is a Registered Environmental Health Specialist/Registered Sanitarian (REHS/RS), is a licensed Massachusetts Title 5 Soil Evaluator and Grade 4 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator.

Kathleen Mason
Kathleen Mason is a Water Resources Analyst at the Cape Cod Commission where she helps coordinate planning and management of the regions water resources. Kathleen has a Master of Environmental Management from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University where she focused on water resource management, policy, and law. Kathleen’s early career studying water quality of Cape Cod’s ponds and embayments helps inform her work at the Commission in stakeholder engagement, communication of complex science, and regional water resource planning.

Sarah Lawson
Sarah is from Charlotte, NC she graduated from Western Carolina University with a bachelors degree in Environmental Science. She spent her summers in college working as a camp counselor at several North Carolina summer camps. Sarah loves working with children and wants to inspire kids to get outside and reconnect with nature in new and creative ways. Sarah served with AmeriCorps NCCC last year on the environmental conservation team traveling around the country strengthening communities by working to preserve natural resources and recreation areas. She is excited to continue her service this year with AmeriCorps Cape Cod and the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension to coordinate WET Festivals this 2023-2024 school year.