Project TOUR (Tourism and Optimum Use of Resources) offers seasonal business on Cape Cod free materials to help save water and energy. Educational materials in the form of towel bar hangers, tent cards and mirror decals remind visitors, residents and businesses of simple ways to conserve water while on Cape Cod.Promoting tourism-based water conservation activities is an important and often overlooked action that benefits seasonal visitors, local businesses, and year-round residents. Cape Cod’s water resources are entirely supplied by the layer of fresh groundwater beneath the Cape, its sole source aquifer. The influx of tourists and summer residents affect the region’s water usage, which increases from 23 million gallons per day in the off season to more than 45 million gallons per day during the summer. Project TOUR encourages visitors to preserve the water supply of the place they love.To date, over 100,000 copies of the materials have been printed and distributed with funding help from grants, private donations and support from Barnstable County.To order free materials, Call (508)375-6690